

A story about a young starfish who is the fastest in the sea! She loves helping others and uses her quickness to make special things happen. Her motto is “Currents and Waves help Us Find Our Way”

Comic-con edition book and e-pub on Amazon!


The fastest starfish in the sea, a Captain, a pirate ship, a wild storm and a mystery! All are in her midst as she sets aboard this adventure.

YO-HO-HO! Hello, I’m StarZOOOM! For everyone who has ever picked up a sea star, or looked to the night’s sky and wished upon a star… dreams do come true… keep believing… we do… This engaging story is about a young starfish who is the fastest in the sea! She loves helping others and uses her quick thinking to assist where needed.  Her motto is “Currents and Waves Help Us Find Our Way”. Get to know more about StarZOOOM in her debut children’s picture book out now!

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